am i dumb or smart?

Thursday, 27 March 2008

ngeeee.... my feeling since yesterday is like 'rojak' one... bercampur2... sket intro... yesterday i ent to kb mall... then came by an AOWA promoter who wanted to give us a small gift (mug)... after fill in my details, he & she said that i was entitled to get discount voucher.. i filled 3 names on the form & i get 3 discount voucher (more like tiket yg kena koyak2 tepi dia dulu, baru leh tau isi dlm ader ape)... the 1st & 2nd voucher showed 10%.. i & my yoyang only smiled... the last voucher... taraaaaa...

free microwave oven if i buy any of promotion item worth RM2,628 then get 5% discount lagi for the promotion item... wallllaaaaaaa... so it ended up like this...

i bought this with 5% discount.... induction cooker..

i got this 2 items for free... the pressure cooker & the microwave oven...

ok... part yg x best adalah of course kena marah dgn laki sbb dikatakan kena tipu dgn promoter...then induction cooker iteww dikatakan kuat makan letrik (dia concern bab2 letrik nih, dia kn electrical engineering degree)... & terpaksa pinjam kad kredit dia sbb hakak punya kad kredit dh tentu ala2 nak exceed limit...wakakakka...

most of all, i've got these 3 item RM2,734.60 worth... is it worthy? i'm not so sure...